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When you or anyone else sends you JAPER information encrypted to your mobile number only you can decrypt them using the JAPER App, after validating your mobile number on the device.
By validating your mobile number you enhance the JAPER App Camera Scanner to allow information to be decrypted.
Enter the country of the mobile number.
Enter the mobile number to be validated.
Submit the mobile number.
You will be sent an SMS containing a 6 digit PIN to validate that you have access to the mobile number.
A PIN has a life-span of less than 2 minutes.
You will be automatically redirected to the Enter Validation Code app page.
If the PIN is incorrect you can try again by using the Enter Validation Code app page.
If the PIN is correct you will be redirected to the Manage Validations app page.
Please use the Help buttons located throughout the app to access online help.
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